PA West Travel Dates
November 12 - January 8: Travel Registration
December 7 - BOD Meeting - Approved the initial list of indentified Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches
(Phillips, Kennelly, Conti, Vuckovich, Godshall, Cercone, Wolfing, Huff, & Filippelli)
January 8: Travel Registration Closes
Feb 1 - BOD Meeting - Travel Teams are approved.
March 1: Team declaration deadline date for Spring Session
March 21: Travel Team Rosters are finalized and paid.
After March 21st: teams are "activated" by the state office. This means that they are locked from adding more players, and they also become "live".
April 10th: Start of the Season for Grass field teams, expect for TURF GAMES is April 3.
Other Items
No games are played on national holidays.
BOTH CLUBS/COACHES AGREE to play on Turf field on April 3rd. Not all clubs will agree to do it even if there is a turf field available. Sometimes they refuse to do it because the team has not had a practice together yet and the coach has not met all the players. Usually this happens if we've had an especially harsh winter and the fields are still under snow or even under water. It's happened twice in the last six years where the fields were under water because of nonstop rain.
Reason for stretching the window farther for turf field games is because it is almost impossible to hold games for U19 after Memorial Day Weekend.
A game reschedule during the season is almost impossible for U17+ teams. Therefore, if we can clinch some of those games on the early side, we are better for it.
Key CVYS Travel Registrar Dates
February 2 - 12: Registrar enters the Travel Team Declarations into PA West.
Feb 12 - March 1: Travel Players entered into the system.
March 1: Team declaration deadline date for Spring Session
March 21: Travel Team Rosters are finalized and paid.
March 4 - March 19: In-house Players entered into the system
March 19: Finalize the team rosters and paid. It can be as late as April 3rd if in-house starts on April 9th.